二〇一七年八月九日 (週三)
- 〇四時三二分二〇一七年八月九日 (三) 〇四時三二分 辨 誌 +七 細 蒲郡市 (GR) File renamed: File:Flag of Gamagori.svg → File:Flag of Gamagori, Aichi.svg File renaming criterion #4: To harmonize the file names of a set of images: so that only one part of all names differs
- 〇四時三一分二〇一七年八月九日 (三) 〇四時三一分 辨 誌 +一 細 津島市 (GR) File renamed: File:Flag of Tsushima Aichi.svg → File:Flag of Tsushima, Aichi.svg File renaming criterion #4: To harmonize the file names of a set of images: so that only one part of all names……
- 〇四時三〇分二〇一七年八月九日 (三) 〇四時三〇分 辨 誌 +七 細 蒲郡市 (GR) File renamed: File:Emblem of Gamagori.svg → File:Emblem of Gamagori, Aichi.svg File renaming criterion #4: To harmonize the file names of a set of images: so that only one part of all names differs
二〇一七年八月二日 (週三)
- 二一時五一分二〇一七年八月二日 (三) 二一時五一分 辨 誌 +三 細 靑森市 (GR) File renamed: File:Aomori Aomori chapter.svg → File:Emblem of Aomori, Aomori.svg File renaming criterion #3: To correct obvious errors in file names, including misspelled [[c::en:Noun#Proper……
二〇一七年六月二七日 (週二)
- 一八時五〇分二〇一七年六月二七日 (二) 一八時五〇分 辨 誌 −四 細 烏克蘭 (GR) File renamed: File:Europe-Ukraine (disputed territories, 2).svg.jpg → File:Europe-Ukraine (disputed territories, 2).jpg File Renaming Criterion #6: Fix Double Extension