


往昔之論,咸錄於斯。- 二〇一六年六月二〇日 (一) 一三時三六分 (UTC)[回覆]



可謂之爆灼。《說文》爆,灼也。至於炸字,不才閱察《說文》,未見其字。故名之爆灼。此建吾議。- 二〇一六年二月二七日 (六) 〇五時三二分 (UTC)[回覆]

多謝指教、--VitaDei (talk) 二〇一六年二月二七日 (六) 一二時二二分 (UTC)[回覆]




夫為文,思有衰之時,辭不逮心,以至文白雜糅,故大典立牌以警之;近日見粵文大典有牌曰:粵夾文言者,不禁絕倒。--VitaDei 二〇一六年二月一四日 (日) 〇四時〇一分 (UTC)


觀諸英文、日文大典,門類別科,各有所專者;惟我大典,譔者惟稀,寥寥數人而已矣,若以一夫之身而當萬夫,不亦雄哉。粵若稽古,昔泰西有上智大哲曰亞里士多德,其爲學也,形上形下,無有不格,此吾曹當思齊焉者也。--VitaDei (talk) 二〇一六年二月一八日 (四) 二三時五四分 (UTC)[回覆]

然。----損齋 (talk) 二〇一六年二月一九日 (五) 〇〇時〇二分 (UTC)[回覆]

多年而不綴者,惟君一人而已,在下拱手仰君德--VitaDei (talk) 二〇一六年二月一九日 (五) 〇〇時〇四分 (UTC)[回覆]

大典始肇,編修尚眾,人亦濟濟,典章制度,皆由彼時。爾後人漸鮮寡。四年前予來大典,已不見常修。---—損齋 (talk) 二〇一六年二月一九日 (五) 〇〇時一五分 (UTC)[回覆]

我看過一個數據,整個大典幾乎是由itsmine及閣下撐起來的。--VitaDei (talk) 二〇一六年二月一九日 (五) 〇〇時三七分 (UTC)[回覆]

http://stats.wikimedia.org/DE/TablesWikipediaZH_CLASSICAL.htm --VitaDei (talk) 二〇一六年二月一九日 (五) 〇〇時五二分 (UTC)[回覆]

↑此文不可留。言辭荒誕。--沈澤 (talk) 二〇一六年二月二一日 (日) 〇八時三二分 (UTC)[回覆]


人皆偏私,一種語言既爲特定群體使用,就不會不有其特定的文化意識特徵,例如古時典籍中有強烈的華夷思想,將他民族(人群)視爲狄夷禽獸;粵語中稱西洋人爲鬼佬;日本人爲日本仔;閩南語中稱洋人爲紅毛等,皆是例子。如今看日文版維基,日本化傾向相當嚴重。絕對的全球觀點並不存在 --VitaDei (talk) 二〇一六年二月二二日 (一) 〇〇時二〇分 (UTC)[回覆]

若今諸語皆謂一九三七年日軍屠城爲“大屠殺”,日版維基獨謂之“南京事件”,又奈其何?--VitaDei (talk) 二〇一六年二月二二日 (一) 〇〇時二九分 (UTC)[回覆]

關乎狄夷者:狄夷二字,古部族之名也。無貶義。特因之二部屢屢犯漢,漢乃以為貶義。故之二字固無罪。唯君察之。- 二〇一六年二月二七日 (六) 〇五時一六分 (UTC)[回覆]

性理學謂狄夷得氣之偏,性與禽獸同也(介於人與動物)。--VitaDei (talk) 二〇一六年二月二七日 (六) 一二時二六分 (UTC)[回覆]


文言先生一詞是對知識分子、老師、文士的尊稱。相當於“子”、“夫子”等。 --VitaDei (talk) 二〇一六年二月二四日 (三) 一五時五六分 (UTC)[回覆]

上次我稱王力爲先生有人以不是文言給改了 --VitaDei (talk) 二〇一六年二月二四日 (三) 一六時〇一分 (UTC)[回覆]

但凡知識分子,教師,學者、如果你尊重他可稱為先生、夫子;如果看他不爽可以學潤之哥稱其爲“臭老九”--VitaDei (talk) 二〇一六年二月二四日 (三) 一六時〇五分 (UTC)[回覆]

VitaDei:方觀覽會館而見此議。「先生」確實可用於文言。然亦是用於文言之書信,或行文之對話者。以旁觀而敘述之角度,似不宜以先生稱師。是猶白話文,以「老師」當面稱之,而以「教師」行其文。夫「先生」者,與其以為文言,莫若以為上古之口語如「在下」「閣下」者。惟君察之。- 二〇一六年三月二四日 (四) 一四時一六分 (UTC)[回覆]


對破壞者的封禁。文言維基暫時沒有任何政策可以作為依據。之前的許多ip用戶,登陸了的破壞者都沒有被封禁,也是因為沒有參照之依據。近日之破壞者,僕多予以一星期的封禁,這是對於IP用戶。對於注冊用戶已經有警告模板,所以算是有一定的章法可循。我將建立維基大典:禁制,以實現有依據的封禁政策。屆時請諸位在彼條目之討論頁進行完善討論。----損齋 (talk) 二〇一六年二月二五日 (四) 二〇時三五分 (UTC)[回覆]


Hello again. Please excuse the English. 請協助翻譯成您使用的語言. 感謝您!

This is a reminder that the visual editor is coming to all editors at this Wikipedia soon. As of this writing, the team is not aware of any issues specific to this language that should prevent the new software to be deployed here; therefore, please do let us know if you find any problems instead. You can report issues in Phabricator, the new bug tracking system or on the central feedback page on MediaWiki.org. There is a short guide at mediawiki.org that you can follow (as if it was a "checklist") to learn about the community work necessary to adapt the visual editor, and its referencing system in particular, to your community's needs.

If you can translate from English into this wiki's language, or know anyone who can, please follow the links below, as this language still has 0% progress in translations(0% or slightly above, for interface messages). You'll help your community get the best possible experience when it comes to interface messages and documentation related to the visual editor. After you click on any links, your language should be available from the drop-down menu on the right. Once you've selected it, you'll see the document in English side by side with any translation work already done in your language. You can add new translations or modify existing ones. The interface is hosted at https://translatewiki.net; you'll need an account if you never translated there before. The user guide lives at Mediawiki.org, for which you can use your regular Wikipedia account. You're welcome to contact me personally whenever you need help.

Thank you for your cooperation, and happy editing! --Elitre (WMF) (talk) 二〇一六年二月二六日 (五) 一六時三四分 (UTC)[回覆]

斯文其旨:編輯器可即得其文者已成,唯大典諸君譯英文為文言,然後可以之制文纂篇,善利大典。- 二〇一六年二月二七日 (六) 〇五時三八分 (UTC)[回覆]
另:斯新編輯器,白話維基謂之「可視化編輯器」,予以可視二字入文言,難得其要。可以「即得」譯之。- 二〇一六年二月二七日 (六) 〇五時三八分 (UTC)[回覆]



建者署名:- 二〇一六年二月二七日 (六) 〇七時四四分 (UTC)[回覆]


明刑弼教,閣下駿奔走焉,勞矣,敬奉茶。 --VitaDei (talk) 二〇一六年二月二七日 (六) 〇九時二二分 (UTC)[回覆]

謝卿好茶!- 二〇一六年二月二八日 (日) 〇四時〇一分 (UTC)[回覆]




C933103 (talk) 二〇一六年三月一四日 (一) 一〇時四六分 (UTC)[回覆]

C933103:汝關切之情,見乎字間。大典之立,眾忱是賴。然中邦以母語爲漢語,而人名之曰中國語。漢語一詞之於日本語,蓋謂自唐入和之借詞也。然則日人見漢語,以爲借詞之名,而吾儕當更名爲中國語以利日人?未有此理。語云:名從主人。斯言得之。漢人以其語爲漢語而無需改之,和人以其語爲日本語而無需改之。曩者文字之人,名其文爲文言,故亦無需更名。況古東瀛之士,亦有名之曰文言者。今建斯言,唯君察之。- 二〇一六年三月一九日 (六) 〇五時二七分 (UTC)[回覆]


Apologies for writing in English. 請協助翻譯成您使用的語言

Hello Wikimedians!

The TWL OWL says sign up today!

The Wikipedia Library is announcing signups today for free, full-access accounts to published research as part of our Publisher Donation Program. You can sign up for access to research materials from:

  • Cambridge University Press - a major publisher of academic journals and e-books in a variety of subject areas. Access includes both Cambridge Journals Online and Cambridge Books. 25 accounts.
  • Alexander Street Academic Video Online - a large academic video collection good for a wide range of subjects, including news programs (such as PBS and BBC), music and theatre, lectures and demonstrations, and documentaries. 25 accounts.
  • Baylor University Press - a publisher of academic e-books primarily in religious studies and the humanities. 50 accounts.
  • Future Science Group - a publisher of medical, biotechnological and scientific research. 30 accounts.
  • Annual Reviews - a publisher of review articles in the biomedical sciences. 100 accounts.
  • Miramar Ship Index - an index to ships and their histories since the early 19th century. 30 accounts.


  • Noormags - Farsi-language aggregator of academic and professional journals and magazines. 30 accounts.
  • Kotobna - Arabic-language ebook publishing platform. 20 accounts.


  • Gale - aggregator of newspapers, magazines and journals. 50 accounts.
  • Elsevier ScienceDirect - an academic publishing company that publishes medical and scientific literature. 100 accounts.

Many other partnerships with accounts available are listed on our partners page, including Project MUSE, De Gruyter, EBSCO, Newspapers.com and British Newspaper Archive. Do better research and help expand the use of high quality references across Wikipedia projects: sign up today!
--The Wikipedia Library Team 二〇一六年三月一七日 (四) 二〇時三〇分 (UTC)

You can host and coordinate signups for a Wikipedia Library branch in your own language. Please contact Ocaasi (WMF).
This message was delivered via the Global Mass Message tool to The Wikipedia Library Global Delivery List.

維基文庫 模 不可用


({{wikisource|靜夜思}})然擊之無所謂靜夜思之頁,何故也?何以修繕之?--沈澤 (talk) 二〇一六年三月二〇日 (日) 〇五時三一分 (UTC)[回覆]


今所謂恐怖分子,其之於文言應以何對之?謝過!--沈澤 (talk) 二〇一六年三月二二日 (二) 一三時一一分 (UTC)[回覆]

凶贼?----損齋 (talk) 二〇一六年三月二二日 (二) 一四時四五分 (UTC)[回覆]

善!竊為白話之「恐怖主義」不適入文,亦望有雅正之詞替代之。- 二〇一六年三月二四日 (四) 一四時〇五分 (UTC)[回覆]

教匪,本邪教徒heretic之舊譯,按字面,恰與宗教狂熱之恐怖分子同。——勝爲士 (talk) 二〇一六年七月二日 (六) 〇三時〇八分 (UTC)[回覆]

善!至若「恐怖主義」何譯?- 二〇一六年七月五日 (二) 一四時一五分 (UTC)[回覆]

Open Call for Individual Engagement Grants


Greetings! The Individual Engagement Grants (IEG) program is accepting proposals until April 12th to fund new tools, research, outreach efforts, and other experiments that enhance the work of Wikimedia volunteers. Whether you need a small or large amount of funds (up to $30,000 USD), IEGs can support you and your team’s project development time in addition to project expenses such as materials, travel, and rental space.

With thanks, I JethroBT (WMF) 二〇一六年三月三一日 (四) 一五時四七分 (UTC)[回覆]

  • 此何?米斯蒂婭洛蕾拉 二〇一六年五月二二日 (日) 〇九時二四分 (UTC)

Server switch 2016

The Wikimedia Foundation will be testing its newest data center in Dallas. This will make sure Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia wikis can stay online even after a disaster. To make sure everything is working, the Wikimedia Technology department needs to conduct a planned test. This test will show whether they can reliably switch from one data center to the other. It requires many teams to prepare for the test and to be available to fix any unexpected problems.

They will switch all traffic to the new data center on Tuesday, 19 April.
On Thursday, 21 April, they will switch back to the primary data center.

Unfortunately, because of some limitations in MediaWiki, all editing must stop during those two switches. We apologize for this disruption, and we are working to minimize it in the future.

You will be able to read, but not edit, all wikis for a short period of time.

  • You will not be able to edit for approximately 15 to 30 minutes on Tuesday, 19 April and Thursday, 21 April, starting at 14:00 UTC (15:00 BST, 16:00 CEST, 10:00 EDT, 07:00 PDT).

If you try to edit or save during these times, you will see an error message. We hope that no edits will be lost during these minutes, but we can't guarantee it. If you see the error message, then please wait until everything is back to normal. Then you should be able to save your edit. But, we recommend that you make a copy of your changes first, just in case.

Other effects:

  • Background jobs will be slower and some may be dropped.

Red links might not be updated as quickly as normal. If you create an article that is already linked somewhere else, the link will stay red longer than usual. Some long-running scripts will have to be stopped.

  • There will be a code freeze for the week of 18 April.

No non-essential code deployments will take place.

This test was originally planned to take place on March 22. April 19th and 21st are the new dates. You can read the schedule at wikitech.wikimedia.org. They will post any changes on that schedule. There will be more notifications about this. Please share this information with your community. /User:Whatamidoing (WMF) (talk) 二〇一六年四月一七日 (日) 二一時〇八分 (UTC)[回覆]

Wikipedia to the Moon

Hello! Sorry that this is in English only, but we are using village pump messaging in order to reach as many language communities as possible. Wrong page? Please fix it here.

This is an invitation to all Wikipedians: Wikimedia Deutschland has been given data space to include Wikipedia content in an upcoming mission to the Moon. (No joke!) We have launched a community discussion about how to do that, because we feel that this is for the global community of editors. Please, join the discussion on Meta-Wiki (and translate this invitation to your language community)! Best, Moon team at Wikimedia Deutschland 二〇一六年四月二一日 (四) 一五時三五分 (UTC)


凡動漫遊戲之諸角,夜雀謂之以虛人也。例拳皇之鎮元齋,東方之霍青娥,火影之春野櫻,諸如此類。 可有模板以定乎?生者不傳之策可曾適之乎? 米斯蒂婭洛蕾拉 二〇一六年五月一三日 (五) 一二時〇六分 (UTC)

MistiaLorrelay:生者不傳之策蓋不適用。可記其事如他者之傳記,惟務去溢美之詞。大典尚無法則繫乎此者,閣下其參見白話維基。拜。- 二〇一六年五月二一日 (六) 〇四時一二分 (UTC)[回覆]


夫所謂用戶框者,中庸之賊也。中庸者,維基之所以立也。用戶框立而賊入,中庸喪亡。政治用戶框、信仰用戶框,猶害維基,己見惟用,主觀是生。於大典本不相關,復悖其旨。維基編者,惟盡力是務,以期條目之廣,文字之精,豈得以用戶框為玩物,啟爭亂之釁,開伐異之端耶?宜去政治、信仰諸用戶框,僅存巴別而已。----損齋 (talk) 二〇一六年五月二四日 (二) 〇二時一一分 (UTC)[回覆]

白話維基深受其擾,而去之不得。今文言未見硝煙,必先除其隱患。- 二〇一六年五月二九日 (日) 〇一時五七分 (UTC)[回覆]


Hello. Please excuse the English. 請協助翻譯成您使用的語言. 感謝您!

As per previous announcements (see the February archive for this page), the visual editor (視覺化編輯器) will be enabled at this Wikipedia in some days. Here's a quick explanation of what is going to happen: you can find a more detailed one, with pictures, at mediawiki.org.

What's changing?
In the new system, you get a single edit tab which follows your preferences, and that therefore will launch the wikitext editor or the visual editor depending on which one you opened the last (記住我最後使用的編輯器).
This applies to everyone who edited recently, including anonymous users.
How do I switch to the other editor then?
Buttons on the toolbars of both editors were added months ago so that you can switch from one to the other every time you want to, without losing your changes and without having to save first.
The button, located on the right side of the toolbar, looks like square brackets ([[ ]]) in the visual editor, and like a pencil () in the wikitext editor.
Are there other options available?
Yes. You can choose whether you want to:
  • 如果可以,讓我使用視覺化編輯器 (if you temporarily switch to the wikitext editor through the button on the toolbar, the system won't remember it; also, it only applies to namespaces where the visual editor is available).
  • 總是讓我使用原始碼編輯器 (if you temporarily switch to the visual editor through the button on the toolbar, the system won't remember it)
  • 同時顯示兩種編輯器頁籤 (a system in place at multiple wikis since 2013. You are familiar with this option if you have been using the visual editor here.)
    • Please note: all the users will always have the opportunity to switch to the other editor via buttons on the toolbars, for occasional edits.
How do I set my preference?
  • If you want to try or to stay in the new system: you don't need to do anything.
  • If you had explicitly disabled the visual editor in the past and want to keep it disabled: you don't need to do anything.
  • All the registered users have a dropdown menu in the Editing tab of their Preferences (在修 --> 編輯模式:), where they can choose from. This only needs to be done once. Don't forget to save ;)
    • Users with the visual editor disabled need to re-enable it if they're interested in accessing that menu!
  • People who use the visual editor regularly will see a pop-up (only once after the single edit tab system is introduced), and they can choose their favorite setting there. Of course, they can change their mind at any time just like the others, and pick a different setting from their Preferences.
    • Anonymous users who have used the visual editor recently will also be able to choose which editor they want to edit with.
    • Reminder: all the users will always have the opportunity to switch to the other editor via buttons on the toolbars, for occasional edits.
Final remarks
  • Please spread the word about this major change in any way that you deem appropriate for this community. Please note it will affect all the registered users at first, and after some days it will reach logged-out contributors as well if no technical issues have arisen.
  • Please do let us know about any anomalies you think you're experiencing, and do post any other feedback here. I'd like to thank everyone who has already worked to make the transition easier for this community, and whoever will help me processing feedback in your language.
  • You can learn more about optimizing the visual editor experience here by reading a guide on mediawiki.org.

Thank you! --Elitre (WMF) (talk) 二〇一六年五月二五日 (三) 一四時四一分 (UTC)[回覆]


今大典卷首一目鮮有所新,亦不及白話大典,閱之者不多矣,何不廢之而辟一新者,仿日語大典之「風物詩」(),示節氣,列節候風物。斯何如?--沈澤 (talk) 二〇一六年五月二七日 (五) 一五時〇〇分 (UTC)[回覆]

文言欲立於今世,必誌載今事以致用。世事一目,可謂文言致用之「窗」耳。余不以廢除為可。- 二〇一六年五月二九日 (日) 〇一時五五分 (UTC)[回覆]


增於新知之下,以補其空缺,又可與詩詞鑒賞呼應,如何?--沈澤 (talk) 二〇一六年六月六日 (一) 〇七時五一分 (UTC)[回覆]

可以書畫名品、文物雅玩置於其內,則看畵一名不可。不知名之以何,求助。--沈澤 (talk) 二〇一六年六月六日 (一) 一一時一七分 (UTC)[回覆]
沈澤:可謂曰博古櫃。- 二〇一六年六月一七日 (五) 〇三時〇五分 (UTC)[回覆]
另:愚亦以“清賞”爲可,然與“詩詞鑒賞”相衝矣。--沈澤 (talk) 二〇一六年六月一七日 (五) 一三時〇七分 (UTC)[回覆]
予所以謂博古櫃者,但因君謂「書畫名品文物雅玩」者,而按「博古架」之名改得。合乎君所言。又及:清賞云者,予亦爲之佳。詩詞鑒賞可改爲品詩。詞亦可謂詩耳。- 二〇一六年六月一九日 (日) 〇三時五五分 (UTC)[回覆]
template:博古櫃既成,謝君熟慮。--沈澤 (talk) 二〇一六年六月一九日 (日) 〇六時一三分 (UTC)[回覆]
善,置卷首乎?- 二〇一六年六月一九日 (日) 〇六時三九分 (UTC)[回覆]
User:沈澤/稿所構者何如?--沈澤 (talk) 二〇一六年六月一九日 (日) 〇九時五七分 (UTC)[回覆]

The visual editor is now active here

Hello again. This message is not available in this wiki's message: 請協助翻譯成您使用的語言. 感謝您!

As some of you have noticed, this Wikipedia now has the visual editor (視覺化編輯器) enabled for all registered users. The rollout to logged-out users will likely happen in a week or so.

For an explanation of how the editing system now works and how to choose your favorite setting, please see the previous announcement above.

All edits using the visual editor will be tagged with "呈纂" in recent changes, watchlists, and page histories. To access the User Guide for the visual editor, click on the "(?)" icon in its toolbar. If you wish to change your editing system preferences, this can be done from this link to your Preferences --> 在修 --> 編輯模式:.

Please let us know if you find any problems. You can report issues directly in Phabricator, the new bug tracking system or on at mw:VisualEditor/Feedback; by all means, feel free to also ping or contact me directly if you prefer. In case of emergency (like an unexpected bug causing widespread problems), please contact James Forrester, the product manager, at jforrester@wikimedia.org or on IRC in the #mediawiki-visualeditor channel.

Happy editing! Respectfully, Elitre (WMF) 二〇一六年六月六日 (一) 一五時五三分 (UTC)[回覆]

PS: Are you seeing interface messages that are not in this wiki's language? Please fix this by providing translations here (current progress: 4%). Translations may be also provided for the user guide. Please contact me if you want guidance in contributing translations!

Hello everyone. As anticipated, now logged-out editors have access to the visual editor as well. Please let us know about your experience with the visual editor here. A guide is available if you want to learn how to customize it for your community's needs. Best regards, Elitre (WMF) 二〇一六年六月一三日 (一) 一五時五五分 (UTC)[回覆]


不侫用戶損齋,二〇一六(丙申)七月廿八日之後續任管理員。以續任須聲明故,特此聲明。----損齋 (talk) 二〇一六年六月九日 (四) 一五時二二分 (UTC)[回覆]

Wikipedia to the Moon: voting has begun

Hello, after six weeks of community discussion about Wikipedia to the Moon, there are now 10 different proposals for content for the mission. Starting today, you can vote for them on Meta-Wiki, and decide what we will work on: a Wikipedia canon, different lists, the Moon in 300 languages, an astronomy editathon, featured articles, articles about technology, endangered things, or DNA-related topics. You can even vote against community involvement. Voting is open until 24 June. Sorry that this message is again in English only, but we are using village pumps to reach as many communities as possible, so that everyone knows they can vote. Best, Moon team at Wikimedia Deutschland 二〇一六年六月一〇日 (五) 一五時三一分 (UTC)


“問題”一詞,若“臺灣問題”,有白文之嫌。“問”“題”二字,予無能解出“事態的嚴重性足以引人研究討論,或尚待解決者”(教育部國語辭典)之義。當以何譯之?--沈澤 (talk) 二〇一六年六月一八日 (六) 〇五時一二分 (UTC)[回覆]

予謂「爭」字,符合臺灣之事。- 二〇一六年六月一九日 (日) 〇三時四八分 (UTC)[回覆]
有共識乎?予將改題。- 二〇一六年七月六日 (三) 〇九時四二分 (UTC)[回覆]
改畢。- 二〇一六年七月一四日 (四) 一三時〇〇分 (UTC)[回覆]

何屬二字過白,按學名當為歸屬。然台灣問題恐不在此界,言領土領海之無情物,稱歸屬尚可,今台灣爭在民意,而人群非物也,倘兼歷史、文化、種族而為問題,言歸屬亦不妥極矣。愚見不妨以公案名之,公案謂著名之糾紛爭議,或大案件,如禪林公案、史學公案之類。台灣問題,即台灣公案,有統獨之爭、領土之爭、族群之爭、文教之爭、意理之爭等,皆是公案中事。不知意下?——勝爲士 (talk) 二〇一六年七月一五日 (五) 一六時一二分 (UTC)[回覆]


Screenshot of Compact Language Links interlanguage list

Hello, I wanted to give a heads up about an upcoming feature for this wiki, which you may already seen in the latest issue of Tech News. Compact Language Links has been available as a beta-feature on all Wikimedia wikis since 2014. With compact language links enabled, users are shown a much shorter list of languages on the interlanguage link section of an article (see image). This will be enabled as a feature in the coming week for all users, which can be turned on or off using a preference setting. We look forward to your feedback and please do let us know if you have any questions. Details about Compact Language Links can be read in the project documentation.

Due to the large scale enablement of this feature, we have had to use MassMessage for this announcement and as a result it is only written in English. We will really appreciate if this message can be translated for other users of this wiki. Thank you. On behalf of the Wikimedia Language team: Runa Bhattacharjee (WMF) (talk) 二〇一六年六月二四日 (五) 一四時〇一分 (UTC)[回覆]


Screenshot of Compact Language Links interlanguage list

Compact Language Links has been available as a beta-feature on all Wikimedia wikis since 2014. With compact language links enabled, users are shown a much shorter list of languages on the interlanguage link section of an article (see image). Based on several factors, this shorter list of languages is expected to be more relevant for them and valuable for finding similar content in a language known to them. More information about compact language links can be found in the documentation.

From today onwards, compact language links has been enabled as the default listing of interlanguage links on this wiki. However, using the button at the bottom, you will be able to see a longer list of all the languages the article has been written in. The setting for this compact list can be changed by using the checkbox under User Preferences -> Appearance -> Languages

The compact language links feature has been tested extensively by the Wikimedia Language team, which developed it. However, in case there are any problems or other feedback please let us know on the project talk page. It is to be noted that on some wikis the presence of an existing older gadget that was used for a similar purpose may cause an interference for compact language list. We would like to bring this to the attention of the admins of this wiki. Full details are on this phabricator ticket (in English).

Due to the large scale enablement of this feature, we have had to use MassMessage for this announcement and as a result it is only written in English. We will really appreciate if this message can be translated for other users of this wiki. Thank you. On behalf of the Wikimedia Language team: Runa Bhattacharjee (WMF) (talk)-二〇一六年六月二八日 (二) 〇四時二一分 (UTC)[回覆]

Wikipedia to the Moon: invitation to edit

Three weeks ago, you were invited to vote on how to take Wikipedia articles to the Moon. Community voting is over and the winning idea is to send all ‘’featured articles and lists’’ to the Moon. This decision means that, starting today, Wikipedians from all language communities are warmly invited to intensively work on their best articles and lists, and submit them to Wikipedia to the Moon. The central site to coordinate between communities will be Meta-Wiki. You will find an overview and more information there. Hopefully, we will be able to represent as many languages as possible, to show Wikipedia’s diversity. Please feel kindly invited to edit on behalf of your community and tell us about your work on featured content!

Best, Moon team at Wikimedia Deutschland 二〇一六年七月一日 (五) 一四時一〇分 (UTC)


  • 今觀大典,有英語及他眾語為題者,予實覺不雅,可否譯之?若:
Bullshit——牛糞 (英語)——佈惜特

蓋大典文辭雅正,英語既犯,故題當譯,然需加模(外語不入題如何?),亦應加維基大典:題名之法正之。望諸君慮之。——Joe young yu (talk) 二〇一六年七月二日 (六) 〇三時〇四分 (UTC)[回覆]

Joe young yu:宜漢譯。至若翻譯之如何,可議。至於其「實」字,予亦以君言為然,當用康熙字典之字形,而非一國自取之新字體。
又及:ケロロ軍曹,宜從日音取當字「介呂呂軍曹」。- 二〇一六年七月五日 (二) 一四時〇九分 (UTC)[回覆]
補充:VAT六九亦題西字。- 二〇一六年七月六日 (三) 〇九時四〇分 (UTC)[回覆]
以英語爲文題,非文辭之不雅也。若強譯爲漢文,則難以識辨,亦損其本義矣。文辭之雅不可成大典之礙。--沈澤 (talk) 二〇一六年七月九日 (六) 一五時三四分 (UTC)[回覆]
雅者,正也。余亦以為是非文辭之不麗。然大典既以文言為正,夫題不書漢字,似乎不宜。- 二〇一六年七月一四日 (四) 〇六時五〇分 (UTC)[回覆]


Editing News #2—2016

m:User:Elitre (WMF), 二〇一六年七月三日 (日) 一七時二〇分 (UTC)[回覆]

ESEA Newsletter June 2016

ESEA Newsletter Header
ESEA Newsletter Header

ESEA Newsletter is out! Check out some amazing work done by Wikimedia Communities in East and Southeast Asia! Here is the summary of the Newsletter.

  • What is Affiliations Committee and how ESEA is related with it? ESEA editors interviewed one of the members Ting Chen on Wikimedia Conference 2016.
  • Wikimedia Indonesia brings the news on Sundanese Wikipedia community held a Wikipedia writing competition, and one participant who was only 12 years old managed to edit 118 articles using a 4-inch smartphone, using source editor!
  • Wikimedia Taiwan invites parliament members to take open licensed photo, 38 out of 113 congresspeople have participated in this event.
  • Wikimedians in Thailand organised two meetups in March 2016 at Mahidol University International College. They gathered around 30 new editors, including a visually impaired student.
  • One of Wikimedia Hong Kong members was invited to give a presentation about building up an Arts database in Asia on Wikipedia, and the Ministry of Culture in Taiwan expressed their interest to cooperate with us in order to establish the database.

MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 二〇一六年七月三日 (日) 一七時五二分 (UTC)[回覆]

Open call for Project Grants


Greetings! The Project Grants program is accepting proposals from July 1st to August 2nd to fund new tools, research, offline outreach (including editathon series, workshops, etc), online organizing (including contests), and other experiments that enhance the work of Wikimedia volunteers.
Whether you need a small or large amount of funds, Project Grants can support you and your team’s project development time in addition to project expenses such as materials, travel, and rental space.
Also accepting candidates to join the Project Grants Committee through July 15.
With thanks, I JethroBT (WMF) 二〇一六年七月五日 (二) 一五時二五分 (UTC)[回覆]


竊謂括號補述以入題,齟齬古來之慣習。如關係_(數學)代數 (代數)(域代數)。宜以「之」字銜接,若「數學之關係」云。至于正文,則但書「關係」可矣。- 二〇一六年七月六日 (三) 〇九時三二分 (UTC)[回覆]

I would like the original look. This feature can be disabled in Chinese Wikipedia.--一個正常人 (talk) 二〇一六年七月八日 (五) 一五時二二分 (UTC)[回覆]

I am not sure about what you mean by "some of the links" and "disabled".----損齋 (talk) 二〇一六年七月八日 (五) 一五時二四分 (UTC)[回覆]

I did it. Its position is differ from Chinese and English Wikipedia.--一個正常人 (talk) 二〇一六年七月八日 (五) 一五時二七分 (UTC)[回覆]
一個正常人Special:簿註#mw-prefsection-rendering Just uncheck "Use a compact language list, with languages relevant to you.". --Liuxinyu970226 (talk) 二〇一六年九月三日 (六) 〇二時五〇分 (UTC)[回覆]

cite web之模板

模板所援引格式皆西式。古者引文,書如「劉彥和《文心雕龍》」「据余萧客《古经解钩沉》所引宋本孔疏」云云。今頁底所陳引文來源,亦當倣之。- 二〇一六年七月一四日 (四) 〇七時〇七分 (UTC)[回覆]


Whatamidoing (WMF) (talk) 二〇一六年八月九日 (二) 一八時〇三分 (UTC)[回覆]

Itsmine損齋: ^^. --Liuxinyu970226 (talk) 二〇一六年九月三日 (六) 〇二時五二分 (UTC)[回覆]

New Wikipedia Library accounts available now (August 2016)

Hello Wikimedians!

The TWL OWL says sign up today!

The Wikipedia Library is announcing signups today for free, full-access, accounts to published research as part of our publisher donation program. You can now sign up for new accounts and research materials from:

  • Nomos – Primarily German-language publisher of law and social sciences books and journals - 25 accounts
  • World Scientific – Scientific, technical, and medical journals - 50 accounts
  • Edinburgh University Press – Humanities and social sciences journals - 25 accounts
  • American Psychological Association – Psychology books and journals - 10 accounts
  • Emerald – Journals on a range of topics including business, education, health care, and engineering - 10 accounts

Many other partnerships with accounts available are listed on our partners page, including Project MUSE, EBSCO, DeGruyter, Gale and Newspaperarchive.com.

Do better research and help expand the use of high quality references across Wikipedia projects: sign up today!
--The Wikipedia Library Team 二〇一六年八月三〇日 (二) 一八時三八分 (UTC)

You can host and coordinate signups for a Wikipedia Library branch in your own language! Please contact Ocaasi (WMF).
This message was delivered via the Global Mass Message tool to The Wikipedia Library Global Delivery List.


Birgit Müller (WMDE) 二〇一六年九月一二日 (一) 一五時〇八分 (UTC)[回覆]

Grants to improve your project


Greetings! The Project Grants program is currently accepting proposals for funding. There is just over a week left to submit before the October 11 deadline. If you have ideas for software, offline outreach, research, online community organizing, or other projects that enhance the work of Wikimedia volunteers, start your proposal today! Please encourage others who have great ideas to apply as well. Support is available if you want help turning your idea into a grant request.

I JethroBT (WMF) (talk) 二〇一六年九月三〇日 (五) 二〇時一〇分 (UTC)[回覆]

Creative Commons 4.0

Hello! I'm writing from the Wikimedia Foundation to invite you to give your feedback on a proposed move from CC BY-SA 3.0 to a CC BY-SA 4.0 license across all Wikimedia projects. The consultation will run from October 5 to November 8, and we hope to receive a wide range of viewpoints and opinions. Please, if you are interested, take part in the discussion on Meta-Wiki.

Apologies that this message is only in English. This message can be read and translated in more languages here. Joe Sutherland (talk) 二〇一六年一〇月六日 (四) 〇一時三五分 (UTC)[回覆]

Editing News #3—2016

二〇一六年一〇月一五日 (六) 一七時五〇分 (UTC)

New Wikipedia Library Accounts Available Now (November 2016)

Hello Wikimedians!

The TWL OWL says sign up today!

The Wikipedia Library is announcing signups today for free, full-access, accounts to published research as part of our Publisher Donation Program. You can sign up for new accounts and research materials from:


  • ' - Many new databases added
  • Taylor & Francis - Strategic, Defence & Security Studies collection

Many other partnerships with accounts available are listed on our partners page. Sign up today!
--The Wikipedia Library Team 二〇一六年一一月一日 (二) 一八時三〇分 (UTC)

You can host and coordinate signups for a Wikipedia Library branch in your own language. Please contact Ocaasi (WMF).
This message was delivered via the Global Mass Message tool to The Wikipedia Library Global Delivery List.

Password reset

I apologise that this message is in English. ⧼Centralnotice-shared-help-translate⧽

We are having a problem with attackers taking over wiki accounts with privileged user rights (for example, admins, bureaucrats, oversighters, checkusers). It appears that this may be because of weak or reused passwords.

Community members are working along with members of multiple teams at the Wikimedia Foundation to address this issue.

In the meantime, we ask that everyone takes a look at the passwords they have chosen for their wiki accounts. If you know that you've chosen a weak password, or if you've chosen a password that you are using somewhere else, please change those passwords.

Select strong passwords – eight or more characters long, and containing letters, numbers, and punctuation. Joe Sutherland () / MediaWiki message delivery (對話) 二〇一六年一一月一三日 (日) 二三時五九分 (UTC)[回覆]

Adding to the above section (Password reset)

Please accept my apologies - that first line should read "Help with translations!". Joe Sutherland (WMF) (talk) / MediaWiki message delivery (對話) 二〇一六年一一月一四日 (一) 〇〇時一一分 (UTC)[回覆]

New way to edit wikitext

James Forrester (Product Manager, Editing department, Wikimedia Foundation) --二〇一六年一二月一四日 (三) 一九時三一分 (UTC)[回覆]

顧其行也緩。茍欲以之編纂,動耗一分鐘以啟之。—关彳山修書二〇一七年一月一日 (日) 〇三時三四分 (UTC)[回覆]


切糕黨”一文,內有“復悔其文,曰誤。納什伍又什二萬圓”之語。小生學識淺陋,未知此句當作何解?望有識之士告之。在此謝過。--User:allenyyz1997(talk) 二〇一六年一二月一六日 (五) 一九時三十分 (UTC)

其人欲示白話之『15.12萬』而不得法,乃至於此。今之小數者,至於文言,當何以對之?--User:allenyyz1997(talk) 二〇一六年一二月一七日 (六) 一九時四十三分 (UTC)
15.12萬,蓋一十五萬一千二百耳。今小數,古亦多述分數。—关彳山修書二〇一六年一二月一八日 (日) 〇四時一八分 (UTC)[回覆]


今者西洋諸域之名,如毛納洛峰,中港臺馬之譯多有異者,則何以為題? 又有黠戛斯斯坦,今人謂之曰吉爾吉斯(斯坦),唐人則呼其部以黠戛斯。竊以為古今雜糅,反為不美。 --User:allenyyz1997(talk) 二〇一六年一二月一六日 (五) 二〇時〇九分 (UTC)[回覆]

俱有異譯,且諸譯相抗,無所謂流傳之廣狹、慣習之有無者,可取其美。然人所美者,固殊異,乃議孰取。斯坦,固「國家」耳。竊為黠戛斯、吉爾吉斯皆佳於今題。若從古,取黠戛斯。此建余議。—关彳山修書二〇一六年一二月一八日 (日) 一二時二五分 (UTC)[回覆]


職官志職官誌二類,字惟形異而實同,然分屬中華史、通志。—关彳山修書二〇一六年一二月一八日 (日) 〇四時二六分 (UTC)[回覆]