

  • 是題本作S.M. THE BALLAD。顧夫文言,漢字維基。非茲入題,雅正不濟。故告示之,尚祈見諒。 S.M. THE BALLAD,韓國樂班,立於二〇一〇年十一月廿九日。 本家 互聯網檔案館的存檔,存档日期2006-04-24.……
    三四四 位元組(五四字) - 二〇二三年一二月一九日 (二) 一六時三九分
  • 是題本作S.M. The Performance。顧夫文言,漢字維基。非茲入題,雅正不濟。故告示之,尚祈見諒。 S.M. The Performance,韓國樂班,立於二〇一二年十二月卅一日。 本家 互聯網檔案館的存檔,存档日期2011-03-01.……
    三六五 位元組(五四字) - 二〇二三年一二月一九日 (二) 一六時三九分
  • 英語的縮略圖
    friend. -'s 動詞現在時之第三人稱單數:Alfredo works. -s 過去時:Fred worked. -ed 現在分詞:Fred is working. -ing 過去分詞:The car was stolen. -en;Fred has talked to the police. -ed……
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  • 熒惑的縮略圖
    Clifford, S. M. & Parker, T. J. The evolution of the martian hydrosphere: Implications for the fate of a primordial ocean and the current state of the northern……
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  • 亞馬遜河的縮略圖
    of the World  :第八頁; ABC-CLIO,二千有一年; ISBN 978-1-57607-042-0 Moura, Rodrigo L.; Amado-Filho, Gilberto M.; Moraes, Fernando C.; Brasileiro, Poliana S.; Salomon……
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  • 氫氧化鈣的縮略圖
    ( l ) ⟶ Ca ( OH ) 2 ( s ) {\displaystyle {\ce {CaO(aq) + H_2O(l)->Ca(OH)_2(s)}}} 置鈣於水中,可成氫氧化鈣與氫氣。久之,液益濁,濾,成澄清石灰水。 化學式: Ca ( s ) + 2 H 2 O ( l ) ⟶ Ca……
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  • under the hood Project Spartan and the Windows 10 January Preview Build -in-interoperability.aspx Living on the Edge – our next step in helping the web……
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  • the door; 且聽狂瀾度三秋。 I don t care what they re going to say 毋言多,不敢同苟合。 Let the storm rage on 一霰風攤破。 The cold never bothered me anyway 唯我,敢挑隻身赴寒流。 It s funny……
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  • 海王星外天體的縮略圖
    Protopapa, S., Duffard, R., Szalai, N., Lim, T., Ejeta, C., Hartogh, P., Harris, A. W., & Rengel, M. (2012). “TNOs are Cool”: A Survey of the Transneptunian……
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  • Herendeen, Patrick S.; Friis, Else Marie; Pedersen, Kaj Raunsgaard; Crane, Peter R. Palaeobotanical redux: revisiting the age of the angiosperms. Nature……
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  • 漢字借音,重構上古音,長文《上古漢語聲母》作成。高本漢所棄之字,爲其所用,李賀、寒山詩韻,亦其之所驅。高氏所擬複聲母,蒲氏幾盡納,又別擬去聲源韻尾-s,採實例以證奧德里庫爾(André-Georges Haudricourt)之說。蒲氏一分中古漢語兩期:《切韻》稱之早期中古漢語(Early middle……
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    M., Alla, A., Muñoz-Guerra, S., Galbis, J. A. Synthesis and Properties of Poly(d-mannaramide)s and Poly(galactaramide)s. Macromolecules. 2004-04-01,……
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  • International Phonetic Association Handbook of the International Phonetic Association: A guide to the use of the International Phonetic Alphabet  ; Cambridge:Cambridge……
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    introduction  ; Adam Hilger in association with the University of Sussex press,一千九百八十七年; ISBN 0-85274-829-9 Elliot, S. R. Physics of Amorphous Materials  ; Longman……
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  • 長度:調音之際,輔音持阻所用時。 氣流機制 發聲起始之時 Ladefoged, Peter & Ian Maddieson (1996). The sounds of the world's languages. Oxford: Blackwells. ISBN 0-631-19814-8 元音 萬國音標……
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  • Thelwall·Robin Illustrations of the IPA: Arabic  (第二十卷); 一千九百九十年 、、、Handbook of the International Phonetic Association: A guide to the use of the International Phonetic……
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  • (1993:73) Rogers & d'Arcangeli (2004:117) Okada (1999:117) Basbøll·Hans The Phonology of Danish  ; 二千有五年; ISBN 0-203-97876-5 Dum-Tragut·Jasmine Armenian:……
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    Organization, Kuwait). Williams, H. S. (1904) A History of Science: in Five Volumes. Volume IV: Modern Development of the Chemical and Biological Sciences……
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  • 、段五、龔端、龔正等皆死。宋軍既陷南豐,擒偽妃段氏,慶益沮潰,遁走清江。及渡,慶為宋軍李俊擒之。未幾,俘慶抵京,詔如法凌遲。 Buck·Pearl S. All Men are Brothers  ; Moyer Bell,二千有六年; ISBN 9781559213035 Miyazaki·Ichisada Suikoden:……
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