(渡自Windows 10)
- 是題本作Windows 10。顧夫文言,漢字維基。非茲入題,雅正不濟。故告示之,尚祈見諒。
視窗十,作業系統也,於二〇一五年為微軟所作。上承視窗八。先後有門檻(Threshold)、紅石(Redstone)二支。用諸電腦、手機、微軟立體眼鏡 、微軟遊戲機、物聯網、舒適電視。其所以布於諸般裝置、共用應用商店,蓋以混一應用結構之故也。視窗十之操持,兼承視窗七、八之風,並有指紋、虹膜解鎖之法。[一][二][三][四]
初微軟佈視窗十時言,自此版始,無發新版,永以修補,訂正謬誤、增益其用。 [五][六] [七]亦備有測試版,以供嘗新。[八] [九][一〇]然後則佈視窗十一續焉。
[纂]視窗十異於其先,凡有誤脫,但可延治,不可不正。 [一一][一二][一三][一四]。 諮詢援應,凡十載。 [一五]
[纂]二零一五年一月二十一日,微軟言視窗七、八點一,自視窗十刊行始,一歲之內,免費升級,惟企業版不可。 [一七][一八]凡用樹莓派二代者,亦免費取用視窗十。 [一九]
七月二十九日,視窗十始刊行。 [二〇]
[纂]視窗十並行於諸般裝置。 [二一][二二]蓋結構同故,共行通用視窗程式。[二三]
又,新立此版專屬瀏覽器緣(Edge),以代舊制遊網(Internet Explorer),為兼容故,暫二者並存。[二四][二五][二六][二七]又加智能語音助手,曰小娜,協調整理,翻索所需,並作郵傳。 [二八][二九]為家長者,可知小兒所操作。 [三〇][三一]
[纂]- ↑ Microsoft's big Windows 10 goal: one billion or bust - 存於2017-01-04自原本。
- ↑ Top 8 operating systems from June 2015 to Jan 2017
- ↑ Top 8 desktop OSs from June 2015 to Jan 2017
- ↑ WTF? Windows 10 now actually losing market share
- ↑ Microsoft正式宣佈Windows 10將會是最後一個Windows
- ↑ Windows 10 將是最後一版 Windows?
- ↑ Microsoft's big Windows 10 goal: one billion or bust - 存於2017-01-04自原本。
- ↑ Hello World: Windows 10 Available on July 29- blogs.windows.com
- ↑ Windows 10 Technical Preview build 9860 is out, download it now
- ↑ Windows 10 Is Evolving – This Is What’s New In Build 9860 - 存於2017-01-01自原本。
- ↑ Windows 10 lets you schedule Windows Update restarts
- ↑ -backtrack-on-forced-updates-for-windows-10.htm%7Cwebsite=CRN.com CRN Applications and OS News
- ↑ -own-pace.html Set Windows 10's Wi-Fi connections as metered to download forced updates at your own pace
- ↑ How to cure Windows 10's worst headaches
- ↑ All editions of Windows 10 get 10 years of updates, support - 存於2018-03-22自原本。
- ↑ 微軟不命名Windows 9 可能並不是Windows 10 進步很多- TechNews 科技新報
- ↑ /news/93687 Windows 10果然免費升級,Win7或8.1舊版通通有,近10億用戶受惠
- ↑ 驚喜成空!企業版無法免費升級Windows 10
- ↑ 微軟宣布為樹莓派開發者免費提供Windows 10- 香港矽谷
- ↑ Windows 10 升級爆災難,大量用戶抱怨慘變白老鼠中大伏!
- ↑ Watch how Windows 10 works with touch interfaces- The Verge
- ↑ -technology/2015/03/dont-call-them-metro-microsoft-rebrands-universal-apps-as-windows-apps/ Don't call them Metro: Microsoft rebrands Universal apps as “Windows apps”
- ↑ 97 A first look at the Windows 10 universal app platform- blogs.windows.com
- ↑ official-name-internet-explorer-upgrade The successor to Internet Explorer will be named Microsoft Edge
- ↑ Microsoft's Spartan browser: What's under the hood
- ↑ Project Spartan and the Windows 10 January Preview Build
- ↑ -in-interoperability.aspx Living on the Edge – our next step in helping the web just work
- ↑ Windows 10: Can Cortana persuade us to talk to our tech?
- ↑ Windows 10 brings Cortana to the desktop
- ↑ and-windows-10-parental-controls Inside Microsoft Family and Windows 10 Parental Controls
- ↑ People are freaking out over a feature in Windows 10's family accounts- Business Insider - 存於2015-08-31自原本。
- ↑ 三二點〇 三二點一 nasty-new-windows-10-pop-up-tricks-you-into-upgrading.html How Microsoft's tricky new Windows 10 pop-up deceives you into upgrading- PC World
- ↑ Windows 10 Review- Engadget
- ↑ 免費升級Windows 10的代價:強迫同意微軟取得隱私