



恭賀新禧,平安清吉。夏侯 韜 二〇一〇年二月一三日 (六) 〇一時一七分 (UTC)[回覆]


香港城市大學創文言白話網上字典,歡迎參考。--Worrydoes 二〇一〇年三月二三日 (二) 〇四時一四分 (UTC)[回覆]

Wikimania Scholarships

The call for applications for Wikimania Scholarships to attend Wikimania 2010 in Gdansk, Poland (July 9-11) is now open. The Wikimedia Foundation offers Scholarships to pay for selected individuals' round trip travel, accommodations, and registration at the conference. To apply, visit the Wikimania 2010 scholarships information page, click the secure link available there, and fill out the form to apply. For additional information, please visit the Scholarships information and FAQ pages:

Yours very truly, Cary Bass
Volunteer Coordinator
Wikimedia Foundation


是會,歲歲有之,然未譯其名,言未妥矣。資助,今可謁矣。譯名之事,實宜從速,請有能之士助耳。--J.Wong 二〇一〇年三月二五日 (四) 一〇時一五分 (UTC)[回覆]

connectivity project

Hallo, my name is Anastasiya Lvova, I'm "duty" in Connectivity project. The essence of the "Connectivity" project is to study and enhance the coherence of Wikipedia, or, in other words, to improve hypertext navigation between articles. The project deals with deadends, isolated articles, non-categorized articles, transitivity of the category tree, etc.

We want to work with your language version, but we need configured MediaWiki:Disambiguationspage for it (with direct links to template namespace pages, for example, ru:MediaWiki:Disambiguationspage/de:MediaWiki:Disambiguationspage/fr:MediaWiki:Disambiguationspage). Is it possible to set it up for our usage?

thanks in advance, Lvova 二〇一〇年六月一二日 (六) 一八時三二分 (UTC)[回覆]


鄙人不才,文筆疏漏,然大典今闕漏數處,卷首久不更也,詩詞未嘗新也,當有之文之正典牌子也,不一而足。吾今身於逍遙,可專於大典公務。不知是否可假有秩司權,或自薦為有秩?--司徒伯颜 二〇一〇年九月二五日 (六) 〇六時三六分 (UTC)[回覆]

維基百科已捉襟肘見,況乎大典?--Wasami007 二〇一〇年一〇月五日 (二) 一四時二六分 (UTC)[回覆]
大典為大典,百科為百科,不相妨也,君何出此言?司徒君 二〇一〇年一〇月五日 (二) 二〇時〇九分 (UTC)[回覆]
兩者所言均非誤也。唯所群不群是嘆,是惜。君心之有,確堪贊乎,未如有秩一人足矣。君既逍遙,何如纂文以善其質,增其量?--J.Wong 二〇一〇年一〇月六日 (三) 〇七時五三分 (UTC)[回覆]

Fundraising 2010: Beat Jimmy Challenge

The Fundraising Committee is issuing all interested community members a challenge: we want you to beat Jimmy. The appeal from Jimmy Wales and the corresponding banner have been tested head-to-head with other successful banners, and the results are clear: it's our best performing message... by a lot. This year we have a lofty fundraising goal; we need all of our banners to bring in donations like the Jimmy Appeal, but no one wants to keep the Jimmy banner up for two months. We want to run donor quotes, and other wonderful ideas, but we have to have banners that work as well as or better than the Jimmy appeal.

We've just released the highlights from a donor focus group, and the results of our donor survey. With one month to the launch of the fundraiser, the messages we test must be driven by data from our tests and surveys - we can no longer rely on instinct alone.

We've redesigned our fundraising meta pages with the Jimmy challenge; check out the survey results and propose/discuss banners that reflect these findings. Add the banners you think will 'beat Jimmy' here to be tested Tuesday October 12 against Jimmy. -Dgultekin 二〇一〇年一〇月七日 (四) 〇〇時一一分 (UTC)[回覆]


谢--UAL55 二〇一〇年一〇月一四日 (四) 一二時四二分 (UTC)[回覆]