


摘 要:鲁迅在《摩罗诗力说》一文中介绍了 1 9 世纪欧洲浪漫主义作家,其中包括三位伟大的波兰诗人:密茨凯维奇 (1 7 9 8—1 8 4 1)、斯沃瓦茨基(1 8 0 9—1 8 4 9)、克拉辛斯基(1 8 1 2—1 8 5 9)以及他们为波兰独立而创作的文学生涯。 前两位作家被鲁迅称为所谓的“复仇诗人”,而克拉辛斯基被称为“爱国诗人”。《摩罗诗力说》文中鲁迅是第一次专门 较系统化探讨波兰浪漫主义文学及特别注意波兰文学的“复仇精神”。 关键词:鲁迅 《摩罗诗力说》 密茨凯维奇 波兰文学在中国

作 者:尤德良,厦门大学人文学院中文系博士,波兰信息与外国投资局驻华总代表。 编 辑:赵红玉 E-mail:zhaohongyu69@126.com

A Broken Face (From 'the dead girl')[]


I placed my dream in a boat/ and the boat into the sea/ Then I ripped my sea with my hands/ so that my dream would sink./

My hands are still wet/ with the blue of splashed waves, / and the color that runs from my fingers/ colors the deserted sands./

The wind arrives from far away,/ night bends itself with the cold;/ under the water in a boat / my dream is dying away./

I'll cry as much as necessary/ to make the sea grow / so that my boat will sink to the bottom/ and my dream disappear./ Then everything will be perfect: / the beach smooth, the waters orderly, / my eyes dry like stones. / and my two hands - broken./

-- Cecilia Meireles, Brazil 1901 - 1964

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