



又,古文維基大典,以其從古,多有異於外文,宜先閱凡例,以求壹法。--孔明居士 二〇〇八年六月一日 (日) 〇九時三九分 (UTC)[回覆]

Thank you Bogorm 二〇〇八年六月一日 (日) 〇九時五四分 (UTC)[回覆]



The best translation of Written Latin in Literary Chinese is "拉丁文", and for the spoken one, is "拉丁語" or "拉丁話".--孔明居士 二〇〇九年六月一八日 (四) 一五時四六分 (UTC)[回覆]

No, what you searched is not correct, something like "佛羅語", "僧伽羅語", which are totally not related to Latin language are included. and what you point out "纂拉丁" in Chinese WIkipedia is incorrect too, "纂" means edit! To conclude, "拉丁" is the best translation of Latin in Literary Chinese, for the written form, we say it "拉丁文", and for the spoken one, is "拉丁語" or "拉丁話".--孔明居士 二〇〇九年八月一五日 (六) 〇二時五三分 (UTC)[回覆]

Ok then. 謝謝. Bogorm 二〇〇九年九月七日 (一) 一二時二四分 (UTC)[回覆]



Sorry, we do not welcome the articles those with only a line. Maybe you can write a short article with 2 to 3 paragraphs in English to me, and I translate them for you. Thanks!--孔明居士 二〇〇九年九月一六日 (三) 一一時一六分 (UTC)[回覆]

Please stop creating the articles with only a line. I am pleased to help you to translate when I am free, but if you create the articles by yourself, then you should be confident that you can write in Classical Chinese, otherwise those articles will be deleted. Sorry about this and please understand.--孔明居士 二〇〇九年九月一七日 (四) 一〇時〇七分 (UTC)[回覆]