維基大典,自由之大典矣。凡取之者,須從革奴版權協議。欲閱新版,可至http://zh-classical.wikipedia.org/wiki/使用者:SoHome。 |
- Narrator: In summer 2007, war was beginning.
- QPF: What happen ?
- Director: Somebody set up us the bomb.
- Security: We get signal.
- QPF: What !
- Security: Main screen turn on.
- QPF: It's you !!
- PRHK: How are you ladies and gentlemen !!
- PRHK: All your pier are belong to us.
- PRHK: You are on the way to destruction.
- QPF: What you say !!
- PRHK: You have no chance to survive make your time.
- PRHK: Ha Ha Ha Ha ....
- Security: QPF!!
- QPF: Strictly monitor the Wikipedia !!
- QPF: You know what you doing.
- QPF: Monitor Wikipedia.
- QPF: For great justice.