

A Question 4u[]

復除世界小姐于何年? 美女森理世 二〇〇七年八月一四日 (二) 〇六時一九分 (UTC)[回覆]

為何英文版曰之為"2nd runner up" ??[]

 She represented Australia at Miss World 2006 and took 2nd runner up. 
She is also the current Miss World Asia Pacific 2006.
Miss World Australia, Sabrina Houssami made history as the first
Miss World Asia Pacific to make the top 3.

She also tied with Miss India World to make the semi-finals.
Both of them had the same scores from the judges.
 Miss World Australia is an Ambassador for Trade, 
an Ambassador for Charity and an Ambassador for Youth.
Miss World Australia is the face of the Formula 1
ING Australian Grand Prix. Miss World Australia
2006 handed over her crown on April 4th 2007
at a Celebrity studded red carpet event in Sydney's
Star City Grand Ballroom.

      Good luck then !!!


實因澳人品味於他國人弗同,今眾已厭睹之色也,澳洲小姐 業已停辦三年,故自新世紀 世之選美主辦必「撥」一獎於澳洲佳麗 望是國可重開選美之風耳。

美女森理世 二〇〇七年八月一四日 (二) 〇六時三六分 (UTC)[回覆]

其 IQ []

英文版有曰: Sabrina was recently inducted in to MENSA,the High IQ Society whose members have an IQ in the top 2% of the global population. She is a current student at the University of Sydney. Her personal motto would be “He, who wishes to secure the good of others, has already secured his own”.



1/ 請閱Sabrina小姐母校公佈文
2/ 吾之越南籍同事閱越文版證之取得世界小姐亞軍、兼得亞太小姐
3/ 英文版乃言彼取季軍

謝各位之耐心!   美女森理世 二〇〇七年八月一四日 (二) 一〇時四六分 (UTC)[回覆]